Community Involvement

Our employees across the western United States continually strive to give back to the communities they are involved in with both dollars and time. The importance of giving back to our communities is a shared concept throughout our company. The rewards are priceless, but the impact is immeasurable.
An abbreviated list of organizations we continually volunteer with and contribute to are listed below:
- The Sletten Cancer Institute - Great Falls, MT
- The Sletten Hi-Line Cancer Institute - Havre, MT
- The Andre Agassi Preparatory School - Las Vegas, NV
- Boy Scout Camp - Cody, WY
- The Idaho Youth Ranch - Boise, ID
- Habitat for Humanity - Great Falls, MT
- Grant-a-Gift Autism Foundation – Las Vegas, NV
- Benefis Healthcare - Great Falls, MT
- Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth – Las Vegas, NV
- Phoenix Children’s Hospital – Phoenix, AZ
- Opportunity Village – Las Vegas, NV
- Mana House Phoenix – Phoenix, AZ
During the holiday seasons and for various events throughout the year, we also adopt various organizations or families to raise money for and donate to. These organizations include, low income families, underfunded schools, children’s hospitals, Veterans groups, group homes and the Salvation Army to name a few.
For more information contact
Industry Involvement
- Montana Contractors Association Workforce Development Committee
- Montana Society of Healthcare Engineering (MSHE)
- Wyoming Society of Healthcare Engineering (WSHE)
- Wyoming Contractors Association Workforce Development Committee
- Member of the Nevada Contractors Association (NCA)
- National Association for Industrial and Office Parks (NAIOP)
- Boise Young Professionals (BYP)
- Society of Marketing Professional Services (SMPS)
- National Member of Associated General Contractors (AGC)
- Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM)